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The Night Is Jung LLC

Jungian Life Coaching, Dream Interpretation, Intuitive Readings

About Melissa Grace Chianta

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Melissa Grace Chianta is a Jungian life coach, dream interpreter, intuitive reader, energy worker, author, and co-creator of The Dreaming Oracle who has worked in the healing arts since 1995. With expertise that has evolved over more than two decades, Melissa has interpreted thousands of dreams. She holds a certificate in nonclinical Jungian studies from the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, and is also a Universal Life minister and Reiki master.


Melissa has a passion for helping others gain the clarity and insight they need to lead authentic, empowered lives. With her keen mind and expansive spirit, she brings a grounded approach to her work, articulating her perceptions in a very accessible way. Her ultimate goal is to help clients connect with their own innate wisdom and experience the fulfillment of a soul-led life. It brings her great joy to facilitate online dream circles and private dream sessions with clients from around the globe.

"Follow that will and that way which experience confirms to be your own."




Jungian Life coaching

Get to the

heart of things


Decode the


Intuitive Readings

Connect with your
inner knowing




Depth, insight, kindness, wisdom, emotional and spiritual maturity: These are the words that come to mind when I reflect on the individual and group sessions I've had with Melissa. She is one of those rare beings who has learned how to bridge the worlds of dreamwork with outer, practical reality. I always learn something new from her, and my life and my heart are happier for it.

— Luisa Elena Kolker, shamanic-psychotherapist


Get In Touch

Tel: 415.446.9590


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© 2019 Melissa Grace / The Night Is Jung

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